
Ravi Rai Singhani
Eye Floaters, Retinal Pull

I was one fine day suddenly detected by a retina pull in both my eyes The right eye was severely bad. It had thick floaters and blood running through them. The fibers had formed the multiple thick layers in front of the retina.

No OCT could be done as the rays could not pass through those thick fibers. It was difficult for me to see through the right eye. It was an urgent call and an acute case for immediate surgery. The date for the surgery was fixed.

I then took a chance and thought if I could avoid surgery for another 3 months. I came to Jasmine Modi for Acupuncture. I just believed in her and let her do what she believed in She told me to keep patience. It is a very slow process. I stood by her and handed myself over to her with a very strong belief. She was God for me.

5 months down the line all dle fibers had vanished. My right eye was getting crystal clear. The rays could pass and the OCT was done l could now read the minutest letters with my right eye

I flew down to Sankar Netralaya for my routine checkup The doctors there were very verbal about the improvement in my right eye. And the verdict given to me by the Chief surgeon was ‘No surgery required as of now.

I am thankful to Jasmine Modi for bringing me to this stage. I am continuing with her and I shall continue with her. I have all the faith that my eyes would be perfect without surgery.

Thank you doctor once again

About Meher Bala

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